
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Sorry guys! I'll try to have a new post up by friday.

PS: no mention of that song friday.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Unit Review: Seers!

Going to try to cover Farseers and Warlocks in this, though I don't have at on of experience with the latter. Farseers can be a vital lynchpin in your Eldar army. I see alot of players don't use Farseers or warlocks competitively, instead going for autarchs so they can more easily reserve deny.

Farseers can give you the edge that you need to win as Eldar. Need to re-roll to wound against a certain squad to make sure it dies? Doom. Need to make sure the shots hit? Guide. Fortune is useful for turning a squad into a bullet magnet, since it lets you reroll saves. Want to get rid of a power fist in a squad so that you can assault it easier? Mind war. And being able to stick a LD 10 character into a squad never hurts.

Taking most of those powers is prohibitively expensive in most cases though. It's a wiser decision to take Eldrad, since he comes with all the powers and wargear, and has a better statline. Otherwise most people just take a single power, ala doomseers or fortuneseers.

One of the most dreaded Eldar units used to be the jetseer council. Warlocks on jetbikes accompanied by a Farseer on a jetbike, using fortune every turn so that their 3+ saves are rerollable. Their witchblades wound everything on 2+ and with doom you can reroll that. They count as str 9 vs vehicles too so, not much trouble popping even landraiders in melee. Each warlock can even take a singing spear and a psychic power that is equivalent to a heavy flamer, if you want to ensure you can take on hordes easily. Such a unit will usually end up costing you atleast half of the points of your army though.

Basically, with proper use of Farseers, you can make more strategic decisions without having to worry as much about the dice betraying you. For example, a Dire Avenger squad with guide, firing on a squad that is doomed hits on 3+, and rerolls to hit, then wounds on 4+ most of the time, and rerolls to wound. 32 shots total if you use bladestorm. I've found the average amount of wounds vs infantry to be atleast 20-25. Even if it is a space marine squad, most of them will die. Very useful for getting rid of trouble units.

As it currently stands, I think that the Farseer is the most useful Eldar HQ second to the Avatar of Khaine. And they work well together too. I usually follow my avatar around with a seer, casting fortune on him every turn so that the firepower put into taking him down is wasted.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Here is a  picture of one of my  my wave serpents.. still need to touch up the lines on it, not very smooth yet.

Should I post about more Eldar stuff or another race? Thinking about Grey Knights if anyone is interested.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pictures of my avatar

Here are some photos of my Avatar of Khaine. I did a little conversion work, mostly just cutting his sword arm and rotating it, and the dripping blood (bloody handed god, come on :p). It's still not done yet, need to do some more highlighting, washing, detail work, basing, etc. Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry, best my camera can do on macro.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unit review: Dire avengers!

The typical bread and butter of any Eldar army. Good statline, decent guns, and an armor save that most troop guns will not ignore.

The usual tricks with dire avengers are to stick 10 with an exarch in a wave serpent, take the bladestorm ability, then just drive up and unload on an enemy unit. Combined with guide and doom, you'll hit and wound with most shots, forcing even the hardiest enemies to take around 20-25 saves. If you are really sneaky you can take star engines on another transport, and then use it to block the dire avengers who just shot from any retribution.You usually need to combine fire from multiple DA squads to be able to wipe out any sort of MEQ unit. GEQ units are totally boned unless they have cover however.

A favorite trick of mine is to take the exarch with a shimmershield, stick a farseer with fortune in, and use it as a tarpit unit for deathstars. You have to get somewhat lucky since it's only a 5+ invuln save but, your opponent will still be frustrated that he can't break through just one of your TROOP choices. I've killed things from Greater Demons, to Khorne Berserkers, to Trygons with this technique. Most people would say "Assaulting with Dire avengers? Noob", but because it is so uncommon, it can suprise your enemy enough to create an opening or weakness on another flank as reinforcements come. They are WS 4 and diresword can kill EWs like Abaddon or pick-your-derpstar-of-the-month. That is harder to pull off however.

Another common use is the DAVU. Which is just a 5 man dire avenger squad thrown inside of a falcon with holofields, left in reserves usually, sometimes with a guide-seer included. Pretty self explanatory, you just flat-out to contest or hold an objective with it late in the game, and pray the holo-fields save you from getting wrecked :p Math-hammer players tend to prefer this.. and even take davu's with a wave serpent instead of a falcon, just to spam more vehicles, can't say i'm a fan of that playstyle, but it works.

Weaknesses are basically everything, Dire Avenger use is all about proper positioning and timing, most assault based troops will tear you apart, even in cover return fire will wittle you down. Don't count on them to live too long, unless you have a fortune-seer in with them. Sometime using bladestorm and assaulting afterwards will save you from getting shot to hell the next turn, if you get lucky :p

All in all one of my favorite Eldar units, and they have pretty awesome models too :) I'd post some pictures of some excellent paintjobs, but not sure if i'm allowed to on here without a license. I'll upload some pics of mine later.

Let me know what you guys think of the new layout and background, not sure if it's too busy or not.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tourny list

I'll be going to a team tournament on the 27th, not going for a super competitive list, but you can see that when you see that it's not all dire avengers and fire dragons in serpents :p


Avatar of khaine

10 dire avengers in a wave serpent with shuricannons

5 dire avengers in reserves

Falcon with holofields and scatter laser

5 Fire dragons going in said Falcon

5 Harlequins, with a shadow seer.

War-walker with shuricannons, outflanking

Fire prism.

All around a generally fun list for 1250, lots of options, not alot of room for error though.

Also i'd like to recommend Battlescribe! A great app if you can't afford to buy the normal army builder, works just as well, and it's free :p

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Starting out.

Hey all, gonna start posting about 40k, army advice, stuff in general. So stick around and I'll have some content soon.